Glory to God for all things!
The Annunciation of the Holy Virgin Mary Orthodox Parish is a mission belonging to the Orthodox Church. We welcome visitors, travelers and guests. The divine services are in Norwegian. All are welcome to come and see what we’re about. Come and see! (John 1:46)
What is the Orthodox Church? The Orthodox Church considers herself the original Christian Church founded by Jesus Christ and continued by his Apostles. It is the same Church described in the Bible as the Body of Christ and the Bride of Christ. Throughout its 2000-year history Orthodox Christianity has remained faithful to the teachings and practices passed on from the Apostles and early Church Fathers.
Read about the history of the Orthodox Church in Norway here.
Welcome to our Divine Services! Our services are celebrated in Norwegian (and sometimes in English) at Betania Bedehus Kringsjåveien 28 at Laksevåg, only 5 minutter by public transportation from down town Bergen (Møhlenpris). Parking is free on Saturdays after 17:00 (5pm) and all of Sundays.
See our services below: