Building Fund

Established as a mission parish as late as 2018 we are still a very young community. For the time being we are renting a place and have to put up and take down for our services every weekend. A building fund was established in December 2019.

We are currently working on a very exciting building project. We need to raise $150 000 by May 1st 2024 and an additional $150 000 by July 1st. Please read more about our project here. We are very grateful for any offerings and help. Transaction and wiring information follows below as well as PayPal information:

For lager donations please contact us and/or use bank information below. Paypal charges a service fee based on the total amount of the gift.

Bank Information US:
Exchange Bank
St Seraphim Orthodox Cathedral
Account : 7560618610
Routing: 121101985
IMPORTANT! label the transaction: "Norway - building fund"

This is the parish account of St Seraphim Orthodox Cathedral in Santa Rosa CA. Please notify the parish about your gift at and to ensure that the gift will reach us.

Bank Information Europe:
Fana Sparebank
Østre Nesttunvegen 1

Account name: "Hellige Jomfru Marias Bebudelse" and "kirkebygg"
Building fund account: 3411.43.80956
SWIFT code for Fana Sparebank: "DNBANOKK"
IBAN: NO2934114380956

Since this is an international bank account overseas you may want to consult your tax attorney regarding tax deductibility.

May God bless every giver! With the blessing of God we might have our own church and property.

The drawing at the very top is of Gol Stave Church.

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