Help us with a great opportunity!

We are in the process of buying a multi-purpose building that will house our congregation’s worship space. The facility also has dorm rooms for for up to 10 people which we intend to rent out to students. We also hope to minister to the community by providing help to refugees and immigrants, as well as hosting an Orthodox art project. We are partnering with a well-known Norwegian Christian student organization. Together with them, we are very close to being able to purchase this building.

We need your help to make this happen. Please consider donating towards the purchase of this building.

We have been dreaming of having a way to bring Orthodox believers together from all over the world and across borders together in this building. Our vision is to have a space where the community and the student residents can pray, worship, study and work together to deepen our faith in Jesus Christ.

Great Leap forward

Securing this building will be great leap forward for us and for the Orthodox Church in Norway. These are some of the things the building will make it possible for us to do:

  • Creating a meeting point and bringing people together from different traditions and countries uniting them in the faith of Jesus Christ and service to the world.
  • Together with other parishes and Christian organizations in town, we plan on starting an outreach and integration ministry for immigrants and refugees.
  • Strengthen the faith of youth, young adults and students. They will be strengthened in their faith through participation in the daily services that we are going to serve, by living and studying together, lectures, a spiritual formation program and activities organized by the student dorm.
  • Host a unique art project: we are going to transform the current worship space into a beautiful Orthodox Temple.

Make a contribution here: 

Every gift, no matter the size, propels us toward our goal. Click the link below to donate now and help secure both the student dorm and a worship space. You can also pledge by sending an email to us.

You can donate here using PayPal (PayPal account not needed).

LARGER DONATIONS: For larger gifts please contact us. You may use the account number found here.

Your Support Is Crucial because

1. Securing a Church building for our Expanding mission parish: 

The purchase of this building will strengthen our already growing and thriving mission parish and be a huge leap forward for our mission, but also the Orthodox Church in Norway. The Orthodox Church in Norway is growing fast and only a very few parishes own their own building. This building is not only going to serve us, but a wider community. Together with other Orthodox parishes and resident students we are going to invite the wider community to daily services in our beautiful worship space.

2. Building Bridges and creating meeting points

We envision our church building becoming a meeting point for Orthodox Christians of different traditions. And we also want to invite other Christians to get to know us and share a common life in the student dorm. We aim to bring people from different parts of the world and various traditions together through: 

  • The student dorm 
  • The worship services 
  • Lectures and other activities
  • Outreach ministry

3. Run a Residential Student Dorm 

In time we want to invite Orthodox Christians from other parts of the world to live and study in Bergen the student dorm, located on the next floor above the chapel. We want students to grow and be strengthened in their faith in Jesus Christ. They will have the opportunity to grow in their faith and participate in daily worship services and other activities that we will run there.

4. Outreach and an Immigrant and Refugee ministry 

In collaboration with other Orthodox parishes in town, we plan to start a ministry that will focus on:

  • Integration efforts to assist immigrants adapting to Norwegian society
  • Offering Norwegian language lessons
  • Exploring the possibility of starting a job placement program for refugees and immigrants.

5. A Unique Art Project 

We want to create a beautiful worship space where Orthodox Church art meets Norwegian art traditions, expressing the beauty of worship. This project will be carried out as part of the doctoral work of matushka Hanne Louise Svane. Read more about her vision!

Get in Touch 

Do you want to know more? Or have any questions? Please reach out. Email Father Theodor or project manager Solfrid Langeland for more information. Visit our calendar for details on services and upcoming events.

Spread the word

Help us spread the word by sharing our campaign within your networks. 

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Heartfelt Thanks!

We profoundly appreciate every donation, every prayer, and other forms of support received. Together we wil share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Norway! May God bless every giver!

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